Welcome to my Blog

Read and Enjoy with Caution. God Bless.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wise Words

"Woman was created from the rib of man: Not from his head to be thought of only, nor from his hand to be owned, nor from his foot to be beneath, but from under his arm to be protected, from his side to be equal, and from his heart to be loved.."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

VIDEO of the Month!


Go Check out this Video if you haven't already


So today on twitter, I had a follower tell me that they liked my blog, and they would continue to read on. It made me smile, I haven't been blogging a lot because I've been so busy with trying to study for midterms. But I hope that everyone who reads this keeps me in there prayers because I need to pass allll my classes :)


Looking forward to Ghana this summer! it will be the experience of a lifetime! Heading back to the MotherLand will be soooo exciting. I'm going to be working in an advertising internship! WOO HOO for all the journalism majors! Well I would be more excited if I didn't have to pay for this 2200 dollar plane ticket! But this 2 month journey will be well worth the money spent!

Have a Blessed day Bloggers!