Welcome to my Blog

Read and Enjoy with Caution. God Bless.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So today on twitter, I had a follower tell me that they liked my blog, and they would continue to read on. It made me smile, I haven't been blogging a lot because I've been so busy with trying to study for midterms. But I hope that everyone who reads this keeps me in there prayers because I need to pass allll my classes :)


Looking forward to Ghana this summer! it will be the experience of a lifetime! Heading back to the MotherLand will be soooo exciting. I'm going to be working in an advertising internship! WOO HOO for all the journalism majors! Well I would be more excited if I didn't have to pay for this 2200 dollar plane ticket! But this 2 month journey will be well worth the money spent!

Have a Blessed day Bloggers!

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