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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Earl and Tiger Woods Nike Commercial Parody

Teeona Wilson replied:

The strategy used is resonance. This commercial is using his scandals to try and turn it into a positive stored image and show he’s learned from it and standing up and dealing with it. This ad is targetting audiences who are aware of his scandal, people who feed off of juicy stories by the media, and also those who like to stay in touch with celebrity gossip. I think that this ad benefits Nike because at the same time that they are sponsoring him, they are trying to show others that his actions weren’t conducive to the image that Nike is trying to uphold. We can’t control others actions, but we can reassure our audience that they are not condoning his actions but trying to possibly teach him a lesson. I’d never heard Tiger’s Fathers voice but apparently, they are trying to use that to capture the audience as well.

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