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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is probably the best tasting soda like substance that has came across my mouth since...... sprite! I am not much of a soda drinker, I've usually stuck to milk and water and other watered-down juice substances, until I came to Ghana. But lately every time I go out, or even when I'm on my way to work, if I see an Alvaro I immediately run to the stand and buy a Pineapple Alvaro. I am able to walk away and not give into the wonderfulness of the drink if they only have the Pear flavor; but it's something about the Pineapple one that sends me over the edge. It's something about seeing the yellow capped bottle that makes my mouth water with savory flavor. I'm not even sure how to describe this drink, other than to tell you that you need to try one. It's found in most east African countries and originated in Kenya. It's a malt drink (although I don't even know what a malt drink is) and it is sometimes even listed under the alcohol section on menus, but it's far from anything alcoholic. The website says that it offers a rich blend between a malt-beer and fruit; whatever that means, it's not alcoholic. Unless you feel that it sends you into a euphoric sense of 'fruity-wasted' goodness. I am addicted and this is going to be a problem when I leave this country in about 18 days; but suffice to say, I'll be able to get back to my normal routine of craving milk and carrots and sticking to a healthier diet. Until then... Cheers to Alvaro's!

Now I'm off to go buy an Alvaro :D

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