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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Internship....thus far!

Third day of my internship and I already feel like I’ve contributed to the table. My experience at Primetime has been very successful thus far. On the second day, I was asked to sit in a board meeting and talk about a proposal that was presented to me that surrounded the issue of bringing a bus transit system to the city of Accra and neighboring cities. The current transportation consists of many “TroTro’s” which consist of 15 passenger vans (or as many that can fit) that stop on various routes and take you to different destinations. This new transit project will create a better bus system, clean up some of the exhaust in the air, fix the streets, and ultimately create an environment where it’s organized and people are able to get to and from their destinations in no time. I sat in and gave some great input on how the bus systems are in Portland and Eugene. I was able to help them come up with some great taglines and logos and also help with the color scheme. I contributed in my first internship board meeting, I was so stoked I’m sure you can understand my every emotions.

Within hours, I had gotten my first assignment; turn a 19-page proposal into a paraphrased version for a PowerPoint that they would be presenting to the clients days later. I spent about a day reading the proposal and trying to come up with suggestions and come up with comparisons on how proposals are written in the United States. To my surprise it wasn’t too far off and it was very well written. Obviously it had to be I’m working for a real company. My boss, whom I might add is a lady, wanted me to put animation and my own little personal touch to the PowerPoint. I was a little nervous but I took a deep breath and went to work at the little desk they let me use for the duration of my time at the internship. I have my own little telephone and I bring my laptop, hence my access to Internet, and my own little section in the office.
One thing I love about the people here, they are so friendly. Even though I only work with about 5 people, about 4 others whom I rarely come into contact with, the big boss included, I think everyone is so excited for me to be here. They continued to ask me about how I felt towards the USA loss to Ghana, of course I told them I was all for Ghana, which isn’t a lie, I felt like they were super excited and surprised to hear my perspective on the game. I’m not sure why I have never been as interested in sports as I am now. I’ve always wanted to watch sports on my own, but I never got into it. Lifetime and Disney Channel always consumed much of my free time, when I would watch television. But I see how emotional the country got when we played the US and Uruguay and it’s so powerful to see them feel so strongly about their country. I’ll save more of this for another blog. -> stay tuned

I also love how people have just all together thrown out the idea of calling me Teeona, instead calling me Akosua (Sunday born Female). I love it. I feel so Ghanaian and it’s much easier for me to hear then my real name said wrong (Tee-Oh-nuh). They say it so wrong and it never bothered me until I heard it with a Ghanaian accent. On the other hand, I love Akosua, I might start making people call me that when I get back to America.

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