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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Apex Day 1.

My first day at Apex Advertising agency with the wonderful Katelyn Berry and my computer will not connect to the Internet. There are no extra desktop computers I could use so I’m stuck listen to the humorous babblings of my new co-workers. I sat in the same spot the whole day watching Katelyn type of the background to this Zain script she’s been working on. She looked busy and very much at home here at Apex. I wish I woulda felt like that at my other internship. It’s a shame because I really miss my co-workers and I know that that business had a lot of potential; I’m started to wonder if they will get as big as Apex or MMRS Olgilvy? I watched the storyboard person poke fun at the graphics designer, which was very entertaining. I watched the Graphics Designer person sit on a chair so and hold a very floral and girlie umbrella, with his pinky in the air (no homo- insider), so that the Storyboard person could sketch this out for his project. It almost seemed as if he actually like holding Katelyn’s very female umbrella close to his head with his legs crossed and a flicker in his eye. Gotta love him though, he was a brave one, and he took one for the team. According to the people in the office, these two seem to go at it on a daily basis and I’m sure it keeps the atmosphere very entertaining and animated in this small cramped little office.

Since today was my first day, I decided to just sit back and enjoy the new workspace I’d soon come to love for the next two weeks. Work or not, it was much more fun then sitting on Facebook waiting for my friends who are 7 hours behind us to finally wake up in the morning and keep me entertained. The last short hour, I finally got onto the computer to check my email and my Facebook and my Twitter. I have to make sure I keep up with my social networking while I’m more than 7000 miles away from home. Then we set off to trek our way into the community and shop. I bought 4 dresses, all of which were very much needed, because I certainly haven’t been wasting my money on dresses for my family and myself often; I definitely needed all the dresses ☺.

That same afternoon we managed to get cursed out by a Ghanaian guy on a bike who said he was just trying to be friendly with us. He stopped in front of us, limiting our movement past him and continued cursing us out for being rude and not wanting to stop and talk to him, even though we were tired and carrying giant laptop bags with the sun beaming down on me, in particular, melting me into blazing hot, dark chocolate on the sidewalk…ok so I’m exaggerating, but it was hot and I didn’t feel like stopping in the heat. He called us some curse words; this was the first time I’d really seen Ghanaians curse so much. I almost wanted to cry, well not really but it sounded good. Since he kept following us on his bike trying to intimidate us and make us feel bad, I kindly said, “If we’re so rude, how come you’re still following us and cursing us out?” I really wanted to know; obviously we weren’t being mean if you still wanted to be in our presence. So he said his last words and disappeared into the traffic of the wonderful Osu community.

After this event, we shopped some more then made our way to the opposite side, again, of Osu and walked to the trotro station. We hopped on the Medina trotro and headed to Shiashi. Then we got off at that spot and boarded an American House trotro and finally arrived at home just in time to get some corn, which lemme tell you was hard as a rock, but it was still good. When she says hard or soft? She really means teeth breaking corn or doable corn. 80 pesewas well spent.

I just thought I’d add this in here…. WOO HOO I finally learned how to add a network on my computer and I’ve got Internet. This is a great moment on July 29th, 2010 at 10:40am

#HappyBirthday Mommy and My Tre LS ☺

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