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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Media Log entry 1+2

Vodafone Red- MTN Yellow- Tigo Blue
I have never seen so much red in my life. I’m pretty sure people get the picture and I wouldn’t be surprised if Vodafone was making a substantial amount of profit because of this terrible advertising. It’s everywhere. I’ve asked Katelyn about the advertising on people’s stands and houses and she said that most of them don’t get paid or it is very little compared to the amount of coverage that Vodafone has done across the city alone. It’s pretty sad to see the advertisers take advantage of the illiterate and poor Ghanaian population. This is true for MTN Yellow and the Tigo Blue. It’s everywhere in a large amount. There will be a big blue, or red, or yellow building and it’s gotten to the point where there doesn’t have to be a visible logo, people recognize it just by the color. This kind of advertising would be very annoying in America. At least the advertising is creative and eye popping, the advertising in Ghana is very bland and there is no life in it. I understand that resources are limited but I would like to see advertisements become a stronger and developing feature in this culture.

AIDS is a killer
If that statement doesn’t put some fear into people’s hearts, then I’m not sure what will. This type of advertising is meant to grab the attention of its audience and scare them out of doing something. I feel like at home in the US, we have ads that will say ‘Wrap it up’, or ‘Get tested,’ but it’s a soft message meant to teach people to be aware. Here Aids is a powerful disease that if not careful one could contract and spread just as easy as jelly on bread. Most of the time these ads are on billboards I haven’t seen any flyers for them being passed around, come to think of it, I’ve only seen one hospital and I’ve seen one clinic in the A&C shopping mall that tests you for all diseases. A lot of people are conservative her, you wouldn't know it by the amount of children runnin around, but it's really freshing to see that people value sex and don't think of it much as a just something to do.

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